(Bilingual Lecture) Introduction of Ultra-High Performance Concrete and its Applications
講者:洪崇展 成功大學土木工程學系所 特聘教授
Speaker: Hung, Chung-Chan, Distinguished Professor of NCKU
超高性能混凝土(Ultra-High Performance Concrete,簡稱UHPC)為現今國際間受矚目的一種纖維混凝土材料,其不僅改善了傳統纖維混凝土之低工作性,亦同時具有超高強度、耐磨損、抗衝擊、高韌性、以及裂縫抑制能力。
UHPC已於國際間應用於橋梁、道路、建築結構、建築外牆、以及結構修復與補強等工程中。此演講內容將涵蓋UHPC之 基礎力學 與 耐久性能、以及其在不同工程領域之 應用,並將著重於耐震結構構件、建築應用、以及結構修復與補強。此外,將介紹近期所開發之簡易分析軟體,可提供工程師進行UHPC於結構耐震補強之分析與設計,包含構件採UHPC包覆補強、磚牆之UHPC噴漿補強、UHPC斜撐、以及UHPC耐震間柱。
Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is a type of concrete that has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its exceptional strength, durability, and versatility that far surpass those of traditional concrete.
UHPC was developed in the 1990s in France as a response to the need for high-performance materials in infrastructure and military applications. Since then, UHPC has been used in a wide variety of applications, including bridges, pavements, high-rise buildings, and architectural facades, as well as for structural retrofitting and repairs.
Despite its many advantages, UHPC is still a relatively new material, and its use is not yet widespread. This speech provides an introduction to UHPC, discussing its general backgrounds, motivation to develop UHPC, and its applications in various fields of engineering. The talk covers the unique mechanical properties and enhanced durability of UHPC, as well as its applications in structural and architectural engineering, including retrofitting and repairs. The analysis and design of structures retrofitted using UHPC are also discussed in detail. Through this comprehensive discussion, the audience gains a better understanding of the potential of UHPC and its applications in various areas of engineering.
In order to facilitate the study of foreign students studying in Taiwan, and to facilitate international promotion through YouTube, Professor Hung will give the speech in both Chinese and English.
主辦單位:中國土木水利工程學會 CICHE
協辦單位:台大土木校友會NTUCE Alumni Assn.、成大土木校友會 NCKUCE Alumni Assn.
日期 Date:2023.4.15 (Saturday) 10:00-12:00
視訊會議 Webinar (via Google Meet)
活動議程 Program:
10:00-10:05 引言 Opening Remarks
10:05-11:45 洪崇展教授 講授 Lecture by Prof. Hung, Chung-Chan
11:45-12:00 Q&A